

Financial Solution Licon

Banking Solution

As the financial industry undergoes its next transformation, we at ITS have built the framework needed to enable any bank to come on board on to the new age of banking, allowing the banks to be able to deliver this experience in a seamless, transparent and a highly secure and encrypted environment. ETHIX-NG is a single source of multiple modular pre-configured products and workflows built on open industry standards and Straight Through Processing – STP technology.


The comprehensive solution offers a broad range of functionality, business agility, scalability and configurability. Moving towards a digital integrity, open banking and people. Its environment has never been easier. ETHIX-NG. The solution built now for the future.

ETHIX-NG, the New Way of Banking

Discover ETHIX NG, the new flagship banking solution that uses AI, Machine learning and Big Data to digitize business processes and elevate banks and Financial institutions to the Digital Age.

Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance

Islamic Bank
Islamic Window
Islamic Finance & Leasing
Islamic Investment
Islamic Micro Finance

Traditional Finance

Traditional Finance

Traditional Bank
Traditional Financing & Leasing
Traditional Micro Finance

Islamic & Traditional Digital Only Bank – DOB

Islamic & Traditional Digital Only Bank – DOB

Islamic & Traditional Digital Only Bank – DOB

Islamic Finance Solution

ETHIX NG is a next generation solution that empowers financial institutions to succeed in the continuously evolving business landscape of the financial services industry. Its platform offers a wide range of Islamic Finance & Leasing capabilities that are fully complying with the principles of Shariaa.

ETHIX-NG Designed to manage End to end financing and leasing lifecycle starting from customer on-boarding, Application administration and management, automated credit scoring , credit decision management and lease/finance origination .

ETHIX-NG possesses a robust built-in dynamic product definition engine that enables your organization to offer a wide range of customized financing and leasing products to your customers. It also supports the efficient management of associated aftersale services, such as, payment collections, reshcedhulling and transfer of liability.

ETHIX NG provides a structured approach to data analysis and reporting, a seamless omnichannel customer experience in addition to enabling digital customer onboarding, all while ensuring compliance with changing regulations around data security; it facilitates collaboration with emerging FinTech solutions and enables continuous innovation.

Islamic micro finance plays a crucial role in supporting poverty alleviation and ensuring financial inclusion of the less privileged segments of society and, however the sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) is becoming more challenging with the increasing complexity and volatility of the current business landscape. Advancement in digital solutions can enable Islamic micro finance to expedite the digitalization of their operations and expand the reach of their services and impact.


ETHIX NG offers a wide range of Islamic Financing capabilities that includes supporting Islamic Micro Finance, all fully compliant with the principals of Shariaa.

ETHIX NG is the system of choice for banks and financial institutions to bring their global Investments and Treasury business into a single platform, covering a broad array of pre-configured, customizable treasury, capital markets, and investment products. The comprehensive platform ensures rapid time-to-market for new products and empowers organizations to transform the market with scalable offerings.

The interest in Islamic banking products and solutions is expanding to broader market segments as more and more traditional financial institutions are looking to include Islamic Products in their portfolios of offerings, alongside their traditional products.


ITS’s next-generation core banking system, ETHIX NG, provides institutions with a novel cost-effective route to building Islamic banking capabilities.


ETHIX NG provides institutions with a platform for harmoniously running a complete Islamic operations Window, in parallel to existing traditional operations.


The Islamic Window securely provides fully Shariaa Compliant products to the customers while leveraging the latest tools of digital financial innovation.

The demand for innovative Islamic banking products and solutions is growing in tandem with increasing awareness of the benefits they bring to the Islamic banking industry. Digital innovation is crucial for ensuring optimal delivery of required services to customers in today’s increasingly complex business environment. It is the key to keeping up with emerging technologies, ensuring compliance with changing regulations, and satisfying customer demand for smarter and more personalized products and services.


ETHIX NG is the next-generation core banking system, designed by ITS to address the multifaceted challenges of a transforming financial services industry and empower banks to meet customer needs as they evolve with the Digital Economy trends.

Traditional Finance Solution

ETHIX NG offers finance and leasing companies the empowerment to deliver all the needed services to their clients. Our powerful engine delivers a dynamic financing/leasing options that allow your company to offer many small business owners to use their services. Not only do these lenders offer lines of credit and term loans, but they also offer merchant cash advances, invoice financing, Asset Leasing, short term loans, working capital loans, and much more. In addition, commercial finance companies work much faster than banks.

Banks are facing numerous challenges in today’s increasingly complex business environment. In addition to keeping up with emerging technologies, banks must find innovative solutions to ensure compliance with changing regulations as they cater to evolving market demands, such as, more personalized customer experiences, end to end onboarding and integration of FinTech applications, all while maintaining efficiency and a faster time to market. ETHIX NG is the next generation core banking system by ITS, smartly designed to address these challenges of a transforming financial services industry and empower banks to achieve success and sustainability in the Digital Economy.

Micro finance is a significant tool in ensuring financial inclusion of the less privileged in society and supporting poverty alleviation, however the sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) is becoming increasingly challenging in the current business landscape. The digitalization of operations can greatly facilitate the outreach of financial service and enhance its impact and service to the most vulnerable population. Micro Finance can leverage the latest digital tools for their benefit by collaborating with financial technology companies.

Islamic & Traditional Digital
Only Bank – DOB

The financial industry is evolving, and digital banks are adopting different business models that differentiate them from other traditional banks or specialized digital financial services providers.

The lower base cost and wider geographical reach make digital banks particularly optimal for delivering modern financial services to the underserved segments of the market.

ETHIX NG comprises a comprehensive client-centred array of products that can be deployed through Digital-Only-Banks (DOB) that allow your business to expand its customer base at a faster and more affordable rate.

With the ability of fast cost-efficient scaling through Digital-Only-Banks (DOB), financial institutions can enhance customer convenience and loyalty in addition to generating stronger analytics insights while ensuring data security and regulatory compliance.

The state-of-the-art platform brings to you the agility and efficiency you need for optimal organizational effectiveness and speed of decision-making.

In addition, ETHIX NG leverages Big Data AI to enforce an Automated Risk management system of both financial and data threats leveraging, that is smartly designed to minimize operational costs at every level.