Legal Presentation by Mr. Haytham Al-Daqour

Mr. Haytham Al-Daqour, the Legal adviser of International Turnkey Systems, one of Kuwaiti Finance House affiliates, has made a presentation about the role the legal department plays in risk management.The presentation included a number of items, which specify the risks and evaluate them. It also discussed the methods of risk management, the types of risks, and how they are managed through contracts and the internal procedures to be taken by the legal department in order to avoid the occurrence of any legal risks. in addition to making a checklist of the required reviews to be conducted before signing the contracts.He stated that defining risks depends on targets, scenarios, categorization, and reviewing common risks. Then, he illustrated each type of risk definitions.He added that the difficulty of risk evaluation lies in specifying the rate of occurrences, where the statistical information about any previous accidents is not always available. Moreover, he made a reference to the BMI risk report and the sections it includes.In addition to that, he mentioned how the contract includes the items and regulations related to avoiding the occurrence of all types of risks that the company may face; whether they were legal, social, organizational, political, financial, or any other type of risks.He concluded the presentation by discussing the ban imposed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury on the countries, companies, and individuals involved in financing or executing any terroristic actions, and illustrated the products included under this ban. He also clarified the risks that may be faced on dealing with such bodies, and the procedures that should be followed as per the enforceable laws.1