Al Amal Bank Project Completion

The ITS team has been thrilled to welcome AL Amal Bank Chairman and CEO on their latest two-day visit which included a stop at the ITS headquarters office and Data Center in Kuwait, as well as meeting with the chairman of ITS in Dubai the next day. The visit comes as a celebration of the successful completion of the AMAL Bank Project, one of the first ITS projects to bring to life the newly launched next-generation core banking EHTIX-NG solution.

With this state-of-art implementation of ETHIX-NG, ITS has pledged to be a key part of the development of the core banking industry and the Amal Bank Chairman Mr. Mohamed Issa has stated: “Our organization has selected ITS technology to discover new heights and growth prospects to further serve Amal bank customers and their communities around the world.” Indeed, Mr. Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem ITS chairman has emphasized the continuity of the seamless support ITS has provided to Amal Bank on their journey to reach their technology and business goals.

The completed project is the first of its kind to be fully hosted in their data centre in Kuwait and fully operated and managed by ITS managed services department. ITS Products director, Mr. Hany Ramadan, has stated that the scope of implementation has encompassed the Core Banking System with Islamic Banking operations, complete digital modules of Internet Banking and Mobile Applications, DMS, API gateways, in addition to complete onboard integrations for ATMs, Mastercard worldwide network access, and integrations to Mobile money wallet. The project has also provided Amal Bank with hosting services for the banking whole applications at the ITS tier 3 data center, which is a one of a kind in Kuwait and an outstanding ITS investment.

This all was made possible through a complex managed services architecture for ensuring that the system is secure, reliable, and resilient in case of failure through high availability and flexible APIs. Most importantly, the ITS team has worked hand in hand with AMAL Bank team to fine tune the solutions to the unique requirements of their local market operations. Indeed, Amal Bank CEO, Mr. Said Shire, has expressed that ITS has been a perfect business partner to the bank and that the ITS solution selected by Amal Bank is highly reliable and robust and has exceeded expectations in many positive ways.

ITS is delighted to see the project in full fruition today and looks forward to future steps in accompanying their clients in their innovation and digital transformation journey.