ITS Participates in the 4th Annual Asia Islamic Banking Conference

As a global pioneer in the vicinity of Islamic finance worldwide and as a key technology provider for Shariaa Compliant products and services, International Turnkey Systems has participated in the 4th Annual Asia Islamic Retail Conference in Kuala Lumpur as a Gold Sponsor with the objective of reinforcing its stance and pioneering leadership in the Asian Islamic Finance landscape through its deep understanding of the financial services environment and the specific needs of the Islamic financial institutions.

​The event was attended by Haitham Abdou –Director of the Global Financial Solutions Line of Business at ITS Group. As one of the Industry experts and with more than 20 years of experience in the Islamic banking market.

​The event was attended by Haitham Abdou–Director of the Global Financial Solutions Line of Business at ITS Group. Asone of the Industry experts and with more than 20 years of experience in theIslamic banking market, Haitham was one of speakers during the 2-day eventfocusing in his speech on the role of t

​With 30 years of experience in Islamic finance, ITS was a major contributor to the discussions held about the challenges facing the industry, the difficulty of building opportunities in a Mature Islamic banking market like the Asian market, the role of innovation and technology in shaping highly differentiated Islamic Banking products and services, the role of regulators in expanding the horizon of Islamic banking, and the opportunities and challenges in Islamic Capital markets among many other topics. ITS participated in the attempt to find answers to some critical issues including the challenge of meeting customers’ expectations and reaching customer retention & loyalty in today’s demanding & ever-changing market.

echnology as an enabler of the IslamicBanking Industry and how technology can support in deciphering the prospectsand challenges that lie in the horizon. Haitham also provided a snapshot onETHIX total solution and its diverse components that can act as technologyenablers for Islamic financial institutions.

The ETHIX suite of financial solutions targets the Islamic banking sector withaward-winning technology, and a proven track record. ETHIX has assisted manybanks and financial institutions in minimizing their operational costs inresponse to increased consumer demand for Shariaa compliant products. TheSolution offers a range of pre-defined business models, including Islamicfinance and investment and trading and delivery channels.

ETHIX Islamic Banking solution offers multi-channeled corporate and retailproducts and services including core banking, trade finance, branch automation,online banking, dashboards and reports in addition to other products andservices that represent an answer to the challenges encountered by thefinancial institutions anywhere in the world and can only serve to enhancetheir competitive edge.

The 4th Annual Asia Islamic Retail Conference covered all the aspects of Islamic Banking in Asia Pacific and the neighboring region to help financial institutions face any kind of challenges and equip them with the best possible way to tackle such situations. This conference covered an array of topics from Strategic Marketing, Corporate & Retail Banking and also tacking Human Capital issues.. For more information about the conference, please refer to